Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Fact #11: Deadpool

Fact #11: Deadpool

Image result for deadpoolSkills & Abilities

  • Accelerated healing factor
  • Immunity to telepathy
  • Resistent to toxins
  • Ability to break the Fourth Wall (Wall that has comic book characters believe they are real)
3 Fun Facts
  1. Thanos has cursed Deadpool with immortality before
  2. He owns a magic satchel which holds infinite ammunition
  3. Deadpool has died on many occasions but has always returned

Fact #10: Thanos

Fact #10: Thanos

Skills & Abilities

  • Superhuman Strength and Endurance
  • Able to project cosmic energy
  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
5 Fun Facts
  1. Thanos once owned a helicopter
  2. Thanos' Father and Grandfather created Drax the Destroyer to kill Thanos
  3. He has been arrested by regular cops
  4. He celebrates Christmas
  5. Thanos was once the all mighty Galactus

Monday, March 28, 2016

Fact #9: The Flash

Fact #9: The Flash

Skills & Abilities

    Image result for flash
  • Superspeed
  • Accelerated Healing
  • Superhuman Endurance
  • Immunity to telepathy
3 Fun Facts
  1. The flash is actually faster than superman
  2. He caused the DC reboot of New 52
  3. He is also faster than Marvel's Quicksilver

Fact #8: Spiderman

Fact #8: Spiderman

Image result for spidermanSkills & Abilities

  • Able to stick to walls
  • Perfect balance
  • Genius level intellect
  • Spider-Sense (A sixth sense that alerts him to danger
  • Parker-Sense(A sense that tells him when two ex-girlfriends are talking)
3 Fun Facts
  1. His parents were both spies
  2. He is actually kind of poor
  3. Stan Lee almost named him "The Fly"

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Fact #7: Wonder Woman

Fact #7: Wonder Woman

Skills & Abilities

  • Superhuman Strength and Endurance
  • Flight
  • Accelerated Healing Factor
  • Lasso that forces anyone who is captured by it to always tell the truth
3 Fun Facts
    Image result for wonder woman
  1. She is the Daughter of Zeus
  2. She has replaced Ares as the god of war
  3. Her bracelets actually keep her powers in check

Note: I am going to try to always post on Mondays & Wednesdays. I might do a couple over weekends but always expects some on monday and wednesday.