Thursday, April 14, 2016

Fact #2: Martian Manhunter

Image result for martian manhunterFact #2: Martian Manhunter

Powers: Strength, Flight, Shape-shifting, Intangibility, Invisibility, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and 9 senses
Origins: A martian who's whole entire species of green Martians were murdered by white Martians except him because a scientist was testing a teleporter which pulled Martian Manhunter onto earth who decides to become a superhero to stop what happened to his race from happening to earth
Team Affiliation: Justice League, Outsiders, Stormwatch
Personal Thoughts: Great character but always underestimated because he is always around power players like Superman and Wonder Woman
Character Rating: 8/10

Revised Fact #1:Spectre

Image result for spectre dcFact #1(Again): Spectre

Powers: Manipulation of time and space, control over all matter, invulnerability, limitless strength.

Origin: Jim Corrigan is a Gotham City police detective whose fiancee was kidnapped. He is guided by the Phantom Stranger to the abandoned warehouse where Jim Corrigan fiancee is held. It was a trap which ends with Jim and his fiancee dead. He is transformed into the Spectre who is imbued with divine powers from the Voice who sends him to be the Voice's version of justice.

Team Affiliations: N/A

My thoughts on the character: Pretty much a god. He is pretty overpowered but also part of some great storylines.

Character Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Some changes to the blog...

I think I'm going to switch to more in-depth facts about stuff (Superheroes, Supervillains, explanations)
Love you guys!! Remember I post almost all Mondays and Wednesdays. :)

Fact #23: Sinestro

Fact #23: Sinestro (Thall Sinestro)

Skills & Abilities
  • Flight
  • Creating hard-light constructs
  • Showing people their fears
  • plasma discharges
3 Fun Facts
  1. Was considered the greatest green lantern until Hal Jordan
  2. He was originally bald
  3. He now hosts the embodiment of fear: Parallax

Monday, April 11, 2016

Fact #22: Galactus

Galactus.PNGFact #22: Galactus

Skills & Abilities

  • Wields the power cosmic
  • Telepathy
  • Energy projection
  • Basically a God
3 Fun Facts
  1. He was around before the creation of the universe
  2. He is perceived differently by all lifeforms
  3. Galactus must consume planets in order to survive